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Excursion: Us Piggius

Stunning route that can be thought to form a ring or individually to merge multiple paths. Us on a tour of the 5 November, we opted to go for a spin ring, surrounded by a unique and little-man-made, and after leaving the town of Baunei, we headed in the car to PRANU SUPRAMONTE. The way that for the most part, spread over ”SA PEDRA CREATED“, the typical expression of the inhabitants of Baunei to indicate the blades of limestone rock that are formed due to the erosion caused by rain water with calcium carbonate.

When in the vicinity of the pantry “CUCCURU MASONI MURGIA” we headed north towards the TIP ARGENNAS. Once you reach the top the view of the sea and the valley of FORROLA was spectacular. The view range of 360 ° sin PUNTA GINNIRCO with its 810 metres is the highest point of the Supramonte of Baunei, and together with the mighty cliffs of LOPPODDINE close to the north the area of FORROLA.

Right in front of us PUNTA GIRADILI the highest cliff inactive in the Mediterranean with a beautiful view of the SA RUTTA PINTADA reached along part of the scal'is fustes de US OGGIASTROS, with steps climbing of the III degree is the ingenious work of wood, that the pastors of the Supramonte built for their travel needs. To the west you can see the cuile DEUSPIGGIUS still active at the end of the trek we will eat pleasing dishes to 0 km.

Still fascinated by such views, we head to the east to locate the settlement of “SA RUTTA ENTOSA” (the cave suction cup), the ancient pastoral settlement abandoned. Back to the machines, and after about 6 miles of dirt road, you arrive at the cuile DEUSPIGGIUS where you can leave the machines, we salute the owners of the house and we relax on the panoramic veranda overlooking the valley of FORROLA.

The valley carved out by the action of water in the course of thousands of years in the 50 years it has been cultivated along for the production of barley, wheat and oats, today is covered with arbutus, mastic, filiree, carob trees and oleanders. The surrounding area is without a doubt the picturesque, dominated by cliffs of limestone PEAK CUCCURU MANNU, ON MULONE, PUNTA IS ARGENNAS to the south and PUNTA GIRADILI to the north , and in the distance, but visible to the famous PEDRA LONGA, the well-known monolith limestone, starting point of many trekking, among which the wild blue.

The location is fantastic as everything that surrounds us. The Cuile DEUSPIGGIUS, an ancient DOMIGEDDA ,now renovated and built with dry stone walls that used to host the shepherd. Still remain to witness to a past that is gone the two tanks to collect rainwater. The fold was modernized with the creation of a beautiful pinnetto, there is a beautiful veranda overlooking the sea and a bathroom. Eating amazing, all brought to zero km from the sausages and fruit. Wonderful experience from around with the bivouac at Which modernized.

Cartography: IGM f. 500 sec. III “ oliena “
Difficulty: E
Distance: 4 km
Altitude max: 692 metres
difference in height: 107 +
hours duration: 3 hours