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Book: The Sardinian People Standing

The trees, true teachers of life, a bridge between the divine and the land that surrounds us. Scientifically, reveal a system that is similar to a brain, common, the roots act as channels of communication, is interwoven with the entire ecosystem, and performing vital functions for the nature itself. Their extraordinary abilities, ranging from the contain of the mountains to prevent landslides, moderate wind, and to encourage the rains. Surprisingly long-lived, these giants exceed two thousand years of life, and they grow up to one hundred and twenty metres away, is a hymn to the strength and greatness.

The trees, authentic musicians, they play through their leaves and, with their presence, give off an aura protective and loving. Their grandeur is inspiring that famous writers, poets and singers electing them as a source of inspiration for their works.

For this reason, we have decided to give life to your address book: The Sardinian People Standingthat will lead to the discovery of the trees and the cries of our beautiful Sardinia.

The natural heritage of the Sardinia it is embellished with trees of inestimable value, true monuments declared as such due to their size and longevity. These trees, identified and protected, representing a record for the island, with about 410 specimens that help to create a distribution of “monuments of the” green certificates at the national level.

We adore the trees, the guardians of life and the silent witnesses of the time, and we hope that we will explore in the future, the forests and trees of our beloved Sardinia, enriching our experience with their majestic presence.