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Welcome to the Best Sardinia Tour!

After months of work, courage, and resourcefulness, we are excited to introduce you to our project. We are ready to accompany you along trails and wild places. Not only in the mountains, but wherever nature leads us.

We are Niko and Elisa, supported by numerous friends, and professionals united by a common passion: the nature in its true form and hiking. We want to contribute to the welfare of the community. Today, we are online with our website, where you will have the opportunity to find out more about our project: BEST SARDINIA TOUR – Hiking, trekking and extraordinary experiences.

With our professional skills, we pledge to honor a daily basis in the territory that hosts us, the wonderful SARDINIA, and thanks to you, make every path, both old and new, exciting.

In addition to hiking, we will offer you a variety of experiences that will provoke the emotions, each appropriate to the area that we will visit. We will make you always feel like family, we'll wrap up without enable you to break, leaving you with a deep memory that will awaken your senses thanks to the direct contact with nature.

We are souls, empaths, and this our dowry, let us help you find the right harmony with people and places, offering a new way of living with nature. We will strengthen the interest for it is through the practice of activities in the psycho-physical, generating happiness and joy to each of you.

We are aware of how your daily routine, have limited the expression of the emotions in our lives. Often, it's not dedicating enough time to find the moments that can enrich and improve ourselves, we neglect an opportunity for personal growth. We recognize that these spaces are a personal gift that represents an added value.

All of us, in contact with nature and with people who share our passion, we can look forward to an improvement in staff, improving our physical and mental performance, and enriching our baggage to life with new people and experiences.

I don't know if you've ever experienced the difference between an ordinary day and an extraordinary day during a trip. With our trekking experience, you experience it in person. We have designed this program with the goal of sharing days of excursions and experiences. Be thankful for the life and arricchitela with enthusiasm, smells, tastes, and knowledge sharing.

Guys we are ready to leave, BEST SARDINIA TOUR is waiting for you!!

Nicola, Elisa and all the staff of BST.